No Need to Wait Long

Deciphering CT and MRI scans of the head / brain / spine, and a second opinion – receiving an answer within 24 hours

Early detection can save lives

Many turn to the medical system for help in cases of headaches, dizziness, hearing loss or due to any other symptom. In most cases the symptoms are not caused due to a serious problem such as a tumor or infection, and the imaging is done to rule out serious diseases, which can appear with similar symptoms. For example: Headaches in the vast majority of cases do not result from a tumor, but sometimes a harbinger of a tumor is a headache. Imaging tests such as CT or MRI want to rule out a tumor, but sometimes the findings at the beginning of the disease are subtle, and can be easily missed.

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Importance of a second opinion in MRI decoding

A second opinion on imaging tests and how important is it?
Obtaining the opinion of a specialist radiologist – The usual decipherment of a general expert radiologist is not necessarily bad, but sometimes includes a less focused reference (Problem oriented), so when a subject performs a brain test it is advisable to get an opinion from a radiologist who specializes in brain imaging.

The reference to the test will be different, usually even after a conversation with the subject to get the full clinical details. Often the order for the imaging test includes missing information or even inaccurate information. The conversation with the subject helps to clarify what exactly the problem is and as a result the decipherment or opinion will be much more accurate for the subject.

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Hours until your test is solved

Decoding tests we have already done


Prof. Hoffman’s years in the field of neuroradiology

About MRI Scans

An MRI scan is the most advanced and sophisticated test to date. MRI – An acronym for Magnetic Resonance Imaging is based on radio waves transmitted in a powerful magnetic field, and provides doctors with a very accurate snapshot of every area of ​​the body that needs to be examined for its condition and structure, and in particular the brain.

About CT Scans

A CT scan is one of the most advanced and accurate tests. The test is designed to diagnose the inside of the body, both to detect diseases (or to rule out their existence) and to provide doctors with a comprehensive picture in preparation for various treatments and necessary surgeries. The name CT is an acronym for Computed Tomography.